Sunday, September 6, 2009

Boston, here we come

We have recently been notified that one of our bids to compete at the Head of the Charles Regatta in Boston has been accepted! With twenty ZLAC Masters interested in a spot for the traveling squad, the competition will be healthy and fierce as only four oarswomen will be selected to compete in the accepted bid for the Senior Masters 4 (50+). This will be my first time traveling to Boston with ZLAC, and I am thrilled to put forward an entry as the team overall has made impressive strides in technique and fitness. We'll be leaving on Thursday, October 15th, returning on Sunday, October 18th, and competing that Saturday morning at 9:45am.


Anonymous said...

AHHH! CONGRATS GIRL! I knew you could do it. I wish I could meet you over there and hit up fav town together.

Love you!


Anonymous said...

That is fabulous, Sweetie!

Elyse said...

How FUN! Go ZLAC!!